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May 19, 2008

Online Blackjack

Filed under: BlackJack,Casino Games — Tags: , — goldencasino @ 1:12 pm

As it implies, this version of Blackjack is played using European Blackjack rules. As with any Blackjack game, the player competes against the dealer. The game is played on a semi-circular table with 5 playing positions and wagers are placed in the circles provided. Cards are dealt from a deck of cards called a shoe containing 4 standard 52-card decks (no jokers) that are shuffled after each hand.

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As with basic blackjack, the aim of European Rules Blackjack is to get a hand higher than the dealer without going over 21. If the face value of your cards is a Blackjack (Ace and a face card), over 21 or if the dealer’s cards are lower than yours, you win.

The actual rules

  • The game is played with four 52-card decks (jokers removed) that are shuffled after each hand.
  • Players may draw as many additional cards as wanted as long as the value of their hand does not exceed 21. If the player goes over 21, they BUST, and automatically loose the hand.
  • The dealer must stand on a hard or soft 17 or higher and draw on a hard or soft 16 or lower.
  • Face cards (the Jack, Queen and King) and 10s all have a value of ten.
  • An Ace has a value of either 1 or 11. Any combination of cards that contains an Ace card and whose value does not exceed 21 is referred to as a ‘soft hand’. An Ace adopts the value most beneficial for your hand. For example, an Ace and eight will add up to 19 but if the player chooses to take another card that would cause the hand’s value to exceed 21 the Ace will revert to a value of 1.
  • If you are dealt an Ace and a 10 or face card this is called a BLACKJACK and your hand will STAND automatically. If you beat the dealer with a BLACKJACK you are paid out at 3 to 2.
  • If you are dealt a pair you may SPLIT your hand. This means that your pair is divided into two separate hands with two separate wagers. A second wager – equal to your original wager – is automatically placed on your second hand. You play both hands as separate hands.
  • If you have SPLIT a pair of aces and then draw a card with a value of ten then this is not a BLACKJACK. Such a hand would have a value of 21. It beats the dealer’s hand value less than 21 and ties – called a PUSH – against the dealer’s hand value of 21 except if the dealer’s hand is a BLACKJACK. This rule also applies to splitting pairs of cards with a value of ten. Should you split a pair of tens (or face cards) and then receive an ace, this hand is not a BLACKJACK.
  • If you split Aces you will receive only 1 more card to complete your hand and if the second card is a face card or 10 it is not a blackjack. You cannot split your hand(s) again.
  • If the value of your initial two cards is 9, 10 or 11 then you are allowed to DOUBLE. This is a wager that your hand total with your next card will be higher than the dealer’s completed hand. The wager costs as much as your original bet, but should you win you will be paid double of your total wager (or four times your original wager.)
  • If the dealer’s face up card is an Ace you may purchase INSURANCE. INSURANCE is purchased prior to playing your hand(s). If the player purchases INSURANCE and then Splits their hand, the hand will no longer be covered by Insurance. If the player purchases INSURANCE and then Doubles their hand, only the initial wager is doubled.

European Rules Blackjack Table Limits and Payouts

For each hand played, there is a $1.00 minimum bet on each hand, and a $500.00 limit on each hand.

Winning hands pay 1 to 1
Insurance pays 2 to 1
Black Jack pays 3 to 2
Push Hands – original wager returned

More detailed information about the buttons, game flow, hands, limits, payouts and rules is provided in the Help section of our casino software.

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